Business Value Estimates

Question: Did I see somewhere that CPrint does business valuations? What are your fees?

Answer: Yes we do an “estimate of value” for print shops. We develop a value range as well as specific value based on financial methods.

Business Valuation

CPrint estimates of value are done as often as necessary for those participating in the CPrint program. We also do estimates for the industry at large for a fee.

Now, the difference between what I do, and a full-business valuation is that mine does not involve an onsite visit, nor is it as detailed and therefore not useful in a contentious transition or a legal action such as divorce or IRS dispute.

There you need someone to not only provide a detailed valuation, but who also will support it through testimony in court. Of course, these types of full valuations cost more – typically $8-$12,000. Often, I can help you in locating such valuation specialists if needed.

My estimate of value is much less costly ($1,750) and most useful for retirement planning as well as internal transitions such as selling to a son/daughter or employee. So, it depends on the level of detail and support you need. Again, they are done at no additional charge to those participating in the CPrint program and at low cost for members of the industry.

For more information, message me, Tom Crouser, at for a no-cost or obligation initial consultation to see if our business valuation is right for you.

Tom Crouser

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