What is CPrint?

CPrintCPrint ® is a contraction of Certified Printers International and is a specialized program of Tom Crouser and Crouser & Associates, Inc. designed to “help printers prosper.”

It is especially designed for small format printers with 1 to 20 employees who want to learn about and apply CPrint principles of organization, finance and management to their companies.

Tom accomplishes the mission by working one-on-one with you in a consulting and coaching capacity via video conferencing, email and telephone support.

While CPrint is a specialized program designed for small format printers, Tom and Crouser & Associates docustomized business consulting work outside of the printing industry

CPrint® is a registered trademark of Crouser & Associates, Inc.

To learn more about CPrint and find out if it is right for you and your business, please message Tom tom@cprint.com and start a conversation. There is no cost or obligation.